Voyant and Tapor

So Tapor now has a new website. Instead of their “recipes” they now pictures displaying the different things you can do on Voyant. Most of the actions areĀ repetitiveĀ and some of them don’t work properly. I’ve tried a few of them to see if/ how I can use these to work on my final project (which is some sort of text analysis of Harry Potter). You can know upload multiple texts to voyant and decide which ones you want to compare or see at any given time.

While you can see an example of how the tool will work or what it looks like, the tools themselves are not necessarily the most reliable. they sometimes work beautifully and sometimes don’t. there is little information of how to use the tools and what they are exactly supposed to measure. It’s easy enough to figure out once you play around with them.

I still am going back to the original Tapor to use the “recipes.” They are much more detailed and give ideas of how to use your texts and use the tools to analyze them.