My Spring Break.

So I am currently unemployed, which I’m not extremely upset about because I get to really focus on school. However, like every sane person in this economy, I am looking. Through this job-finding process I have realized the extent that EVERYTHING has become digital. On almost every job post I have seen (mind you my concentration is Urban Education, so my job search is all related to that) the employers are requiring knowledge of R, html, and CSS.

Now, I know what html is, because like everyone else I use the internet. I DO NOT know what to do with it, or how it works. CSS we learned during our couple of classes on oXygen and xml, but again I only know what it is, and  vaguely understand what to do with it. R? It’s the 18th letter of the alphabet. Other then that I have no idea what it means.

So, since I had an insane amount of time this past week, and one can only do SO much yoga, I started looking for ways to learn html (and I soon realized, CSS by default).

I found CodeAcademy. This site is like a programming languages site for dummies. Once I started their “lessons” I was hooked. A lot of it was a bit redundant from our lesson with David Birnbaum. CSS is used to style the html document, they’re formatted similarly, but their languages are OH so different.

It’s like looking at Spanish and Portugese. They look similar, are formatted similarly, but are totally different languages. You can kind of understand one if you know the other, but try writing it…nope makes no sense!

However, I’m super grateful for having played with both CSS and XML beforehand. it made understanding html a bit easier.

What I have created so far.

What I have created so far.

So here I am, done with the html/CSS lessons from CodeAcademy, and I now have this rudimentary understanding of html and how to format the building blocks of a website.